Manila American Cemetery and Memorial and Cabanatuan American Memorial

, American Battle Monuments Commission

Manila, Philippines

Manila American Cemetery and Memorial and Cabanatuan American Memorial

Poignant military tributes, the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial and the Cabanatuan American Memorial welcome visitors from around the world—including family members, local guests, and tourists—to honor and remember those who gave their lives during World War II. To improve the visitor experience while preserving the historic integrity of these sites, Page designed improvements to the sites’ main entrances and the perimeter fence in Manila.

Manila American Cemetery and Memorial
The Manila American Cemetery and Memorial contains 17,208 graves and 36,279 names on the Walls of the Missing. At present, pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles enter through a single-leaf gate before encountering a security barrier. Page’s design creates a new guard house that harmoniously reflects the architectural style of the adjacent historic administration building while improving visibility for the guards with enhanced glazing. This also allows an inactive pedestrian gate to be reopened, separating foot traffic from vehicles, and creating a more inviting, dignified entry.

Cabanatuan American Memorial
The Cabanatuan American Memorial, located 75 miles north of Manila, is at the site of a Japanese Prisoner of War camp where American and Filipino survivors of the infamous Bataan Death March were held. The provincial government’s plan to widen the main road places the main gate at the road’s edge. Page’s design repositions the entry gate farther from the road and reconfigures the layout to improve signage visibility from the primary direction of travel, allowing visitors to easily spot the memorial.

Through thoughtful design and meticulous attention to detail, the redesigned entrances stand as fitting tributes to the brave individuals honored at both sites, preserving their memory with dignity and respect for generations.