Page is working in collaboration with the Howard University Campus Planning, Architecture and Development team to provide Howard University with planning, documentation, and design services to prepare a campus plan for the Central campus. This effort will provide Howard University with a strategic physical framework for its campus that complies with DC Zoning Regulations for higher education campuses within Washington DC.
The Campus Plan document will describe—through narrative and graphics—the project process, findings, concepts, and recommendations. The plan will outline measures to accommodate growth and development, improve academic and functional adjacencies, address circulation and parking, preserve natural and cultural resources, integrate sustainability strategies, and an implementation strategy. The goal is to identify scenarios to relocate academic and support programs from the campus periphery into the core to increase campus density while maintaining its historically significant landscapes. The repositioning will enable Howard to develop a new mixed-use development on the campus edge to accommodate residential, retail, and research and innovation adjacent to the campus.
The Campus Plan is illustrating a strategy for monetizing off-campus and edge-campus development sites, while maintaining property ownership, to achieve long-term funding streams to enable a series of capital improvement projects. These capital projects will revitalize the core campus and replace aging infrastructure while providing tangible assets for the president’s and university’s strategic vision.
Building Facts
- 250 Acres
- Programming, Master Planning, Urban Design, Sustainability, Community Engagement