Academic Medical Centers

Where Medical Breakthroughs Happen
Bridging the gap between training, research, and real-world application.


Breaking Ground for World-Renowned Research

UT Health San Antonio’s new $430M hospital paves the way for advanced research and treatment for cancer and other complex diseases.

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Academic Medical Centers

Bridging the Gap

Breakthroughs happen when we remove borders. At academic medical centers, the physicians and students aren't just using the latest technologies and therapies—they're developing them. Thoughtful integration of every aspect of patient care, from classroom to research lab to clinical spaces, is a must for supporting these medical breakthroughs. Let's think what's possible when we bridge the gaps between academic and healthcare.

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Mark Vaughan

Healthcare Planning Director

Haeoak Park

Lead Healthcare Planner

Robert Doane

Healthcare Director

Terence McCabe

Managing Director - Raleigh