New York Structural Biology Center

, New York Structural Biology Center

New York, NY


The New York Structural Biology Center serves the region’s large community of structural biologists, offering training and access to an unparalleled collection of cryo-electron microscopes and high-field NMR spectroscopy. Members of the consortium of major research institutions include: Albert Einstein College of Medicine; The City University of New York; Columbia University; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Mount Sinai School of Medicine; New York University; Wadsworth Center; and Weill Cornell Medical College.

Davis Brody Bond, a Page company has been working on this world-class facility for cryogenic electron microscopy and ultra-high-field NMR spectroscopy for twenty years. The buildings provide optimized environmental conditions for these sensitive instruments. Select projects to update and expand NYSBC’s main facility at City College have included:

  • Peer Review and subsequent upgrades of the Center’s Phase 1 and Phase 2 Buildings for high field NMR Spectroscopy (32,000 Square Feet)
  • Phase 3 New Building for Cryo-Electron Microscopy (17,400 Square Feet; 2006)
  • Laboratory Renovations for Protein Production and NMR Protein Characterization (3,000 Square Feet; 2010)
  • Phase 3 Building Upgrades for next generation Cryo-Electron Microscopes (2016)
  • Phase 3 Building Addition to accommodate the Simons Electron Microscopy Center (5,400 Square Feet; 2020)

Building features include heavy foundations for vibration isolation in addition to active vibration isolation platforms; special temperature and humidity controls; active EMF shielding; UPS systems; and desiccant wheel energy recovery systems. The recent Phase 3 Addition brings the total number of electron microscopes at the Center to 13, and significantly increases space for offices, meeting rooms, team workstations and control rooms. Current instrumentation includes: seven Titan Krios Cryo-Electron Microscopes; a FEI Tecnai T12 BioTWIN TEM; a JEOL JEM-1230 TEM; a Thermo Scientific Glacios Cryo-TEM; a FEI Tecnai F20 TEM; a FEI Helios 650 Focused Beam – Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM); a Hitachi 7800 TEM Screening Microscope; a 500 MHz UltraShield ; a 600 MHz Ascend wide bore; a 700 MHz UltraStabilized; a 750 MHz UltraStabilized wide bore; a 800 MHz UltraShield; two 800 MHz US2; 900 MHz UltraStabilized; and a 900 MHz US2.

Building Facts

  • 57,800 Square Feet
  • Architecture / Programming / Lab Design