The Good Inclusive Room

May 13, 2024

Phuong Nguyen, Tyler Thompson, and Kimia Erfani dive into the transformative power of inclusive design and the importance of creating spaces where everyone feels welcome and empowered, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or circumstances. Whether crafting accessible buildings or designing intuitive wayfinding systems, we can contribute to a more inclusive world—one building at a time.

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Tully Mahoney

With a background in Quantitative Economics, Tully brings a fresh perspective to Page's Storytelling team. She excels in simplifying complex ideas to make the architecture and engineering industry more accessible to a wider audience. As the host of Page’s Podcast, The Good Room, Tully dives into the narratives behind our built world and the minds that shape it. The podcast serves as her platform to help demystify the intricacies of design.

Phuong Nguyen

Phuong Nguyen

Integrating the universal, accessible, and artful is at the center of Phuong's methodology to wayfinding and placemaking as a Lead Experiential Graphic Designer. Phuong’s expertise in multiple disciplines, including experiential design, branding, information design, and marketing, has led to an understanding of various project types ranging from cultural and civic centers to complex healthcare wayfinding systems and branded workplace environments. She enjoys working closely with clients to uncover their unique story and integrating that into an environment that expresses their mission and purpose.

Tyler Thompson

Tyler Thompson

Tyler, an architect with over 15 years of experience, has worked on a wide range of project types, including single-family homes, multi-family residential towers, classrooms, and laboratories for higher education institutions. Tyler is passionate about creating built environments that are inclusive for everyone and shares his personal story to inspire others to do the same. He believes involving and empowering end-users is key to creating a deep sense of belonging.

Kimia Erfani

Kimia Erfani

Kimia Erfani M.Arch. MSc. completed her Ph.D. in Architecture at the University of Michigan and joined Page as a 2023-24 Tradewell Fellow. In her dissertation she focused on the inclusive environments for healthy aging and understanding the interplay between social technology and built environment to enhance older adults’ social well-being and quality of life. During her time at Page, she was able to work on research about Trauma-informed Design framework and its application for spaces dedicated to children and young adults.