The Good Visitor Center

July 08, 2024

In this episode, Mark Warner and Cara Soh explore the evolution of visitor centers, from offering glimpses into collection storage areas and preserving historic landmarks to harnessing technology for diverse storytelling. Discover how modern visitor centers redefine engagement, education, and cultural appreciation. 

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Tully Mahoney

Tully Mahoney

With a background in Quantitative Economics, Tully brings a fresh perspective to Page's Storytelling team. She excels in simplifying complex ideas to make the architecture and engineering industry more accessible to a wider audience. As the host of Page’s Podcast, The Good Room, Tully dives into the narratives behind our built world and the minds that shape it. The podcast serves as her platform to help demystify the intricacies of design.

Mark Warner

Mark Warner

Mark Warner is passionate about synthesizing the complex relationships between program needs and site considerations into building designs that help shape unique, positive experiences — all in support of successful user outcomes. Mark has been working with large constituent groups for more than 30 years, exploring design possibilities and sharing that vision through sketches, drawings, and — now more than ever — virtual tools. He has focused on the power of the virtual medium as an immersive experience, which has proven to be a game-changer. When skillfully employed, the medium provides opportunities for early and clear feedback, streamlining the design process and accelerating consensus building.

Cara soh

Cara Soh

Cara Soh believes that underneath a building’s patina lies a story tied to history, community, and culture. For her, a building reflects society’s past and present and is destined to have another chapter written. Continuing that story for future generations inspires her. Cara knows that working with historic structures can be complicated and requires meeting challenges with agility and patience, skills gleaned from her years of experience in design and preservation. Over the years, she has navigated national and local policies and worked with various stakeholders, managing projects that turn a client’s aspiration into reality.